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Hi new friends- My name is Amy. Please don't mind my Napoleon Dynamite pose. Not quite sure what's going on with that. Cli...

Hi new friends- My name is Amy.
Please don't mind my Napoleon Dynamite pose. Not quite sure what's going on with that.
Click here for reference photo.
I would like to start my new niche here with introducing why I chose the name The Superior Peach,
what I will be doing here, and an about me.

Coming up with a name for anything is always the least favorite part (amiright?).
It came about as I was playing with synonyms for "Feel Good".
I got: atmosphere / ambience / aura / sturdy / superior / lively
Somehow one thing led to another and I got The Superior Peach. It seemed to have a ring to it.
Normally the word Superior seems kind of, well.. harsh or better than.
So I didn't want to take it that direction. Instead I wanted it to be a point of self improvement.
I knew I wanted to write about the pains of being in your 20's, finding yourself, and
what they didn't tell you.
The Superior Peach is all about striving for greatness, learning to love yourself, taking care
of your body, and empowering your mind.
I mean, who doesn't love sitting with a friend and having a deep conversation?
That's what I am here for.
Everything we do here on this blog will have a purpose.
I could sit here and write about my top 10 favorite makeup products for the month and have
100,000 subscribers right off the bat. I work for MAC and don't get me wrong I have an abundance of great makeup products and tips that I'd love to share with you. We will do those things, but it will be with meaning.

Now- Aside from my About Me section I have listed on the top of my page (you can read that first if you'd like), I will share a little bit more detail with you here.
I am a fellow Pisces to Elizabeth Taylor, Sharon Stone, and Cindy Crawford.
Huge, HUGE, Huuuuuge fan of the Horror and Thriller genre.
Supporter of all artistic outlets.
Ultimate Pinner.
& The most important part of information relative to this blog is that I used to be very impulsive, bad with money, a hoarder, messy, and unhealthy. (Woah, Amy. Give yourself a break!)
Those are a few bad qualities about myself that I've made a conscious effort to improve.
I have been a Vegetarian for 4 months now and I've recently took on the challenge of Minimalism.

I will be posting every Sunday and Wednesday and I hope you stick around to grow with me.
- Amy
P.S. If anyone knows why the section at the bottom of the post page is in a different language, I'd love to change it. Thanks :)

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